Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Adventures in Fabric...

Several months ago, I decided to go on a trip to the store to start brainstorming wedding colors. Because, while we have nothing but time, I was excited, and hey, why not?

So, I got several 1/8 yard pieces of fabric. All in greens and yellows. (Because green is my favorite color, and yellow both looks nice with it and is very springy.)

In the process, I stumbled across the fabric shown, kind of shown, below. (You might recognize it from the centerpiece ideas...) At any rate. I fell hard for this fabric, and when B's mom and my mom saw it, they both approved. B's mom asked me, "Can we make something for the humans to wear with it?" And the decision was made. Humans will wear the pistachio brocade.

The fabric is not available for purchase online. It's also seasonal, going to be discontinued, and there are eight yards or less at each store that has any in stock in a 55 mile radius. (Yikes!)

So, we went on a quest, B's mom and I. (In real life, I refer to her as my future-C-in-law because B doesn't call her mom, he calls her by her first name. Henceforth: FCIL.)

Before heading to the cutting counter where they were holding the fabric I needed, we decided to find a lining. Leave it to me. Not only did I choose an impossibile to find in large enough sections pieces fabric, I also managed to pick the ONLY fabric in the universe that does not have a matching piece of lining (or a compliment in its print, or a matching satin, velvet, spandex, cotton...). NOTHING. Nothing in that store matched this fabric. NOTHING. And what makes it worse, is that it almost matches almost every green and every yellow and every peachy gold. Almost. Not close enough or far enough to pair it though. Woops. (Also, when the fabric is horizontal it looks one way, and when it's vertical it looks different. In other words, I couldn't have picked a more difficult or irritating fabric.

Thankfully, we did manage to find some thread. Two spools. Total. (Because I chose the most difficult fabric ever. At least it's pretty, right?) Also, the store had enough fabric in stock that we'll be able to make self-facing wraps and sashes. (Huzzah!)

(The fabric, which, is also impossible to photograph.)


  1. It IS Melanie...but it is gorgeous! ANd it is fun, it caused quite a lot of laughter in the Quest to find a match. But now it has been obtained and I am hoping for many more similiar quests....
    GREAT pic Missy Shaylin
