Monday, March 1, 2010


I realize upon uploading pictures that I did a TERRIBLE job of taking photos of what we were seeing. We were so busy watching what was going on around us that we didn't really pause.

Notable: It was Mardis Gras weekend, sponsored by Magic Hat. The brewery was okay. We were there too early to even want to consider samples. The store was packed with a strange combination of people...a combination that we couldn't stomach for long. So, after browsing, we left and got some delicious late breakfast...which I forgot to take a picture of (whoops).
An old hippie with wiry hair and sour cream on his mustache insisted that B and I obtain free burritos from BoLoco (the nearest location was not close. We kept walking.)
I found a dollar. (YAY!)
A man in our hotel elevator tried to befriend B, and then proceeded to swear several times. We aren't sure why a twenty-something in work boots and a t-shirt with dirty jeans would "stay in a lot of hotels" but he said he did. My money is on him being some kind of serial killer.
I almost beat B at Scrabble! (I was ahead for a few turns. In the end, he beat me.) pictures.

Here are some things we do have pictures of:

So, B and I drove up to VT in weather that was like this (note the awesome view).
Take note, it was about 50 degrees most of the weekend.

We did have about a half hour of scary driving...up and down several mountains with two tractor-trailer trucks following us up and down, up and down...but hey, we survived.

(Also mine.)

The crosswalks in Burlington, VT are painted to look like bricks. Someone even took the time to carve out the pavement in the shape of bricks. It's crazy, a waste, and I LOVE it. Hehe.
(I took this one too...)

Vermont itself was awesome. We got free ice cream.


This is where we stayed...(B loves to be photographed.)
(I took this one.)


  1. Does that mean you visited B and J? Why oh why do people want to befriend him in elevators, parking lots, etc. Has he not learned the disgusted I am not interested in listening to you look?

  2. Are you sure those are not real bricks? breakfast pics, even stranger...
